Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Secrets of Success

The Secret of Success is not really a secret, it's just a philosophy of life that many of us choose to avoid or ignore. Quite simply, success often comes disguised as hard work, perseverance, and a bit of luck.

Most of us are somewhat dismayed and disappointed when we learn that the secret is what we always suspected. But short of inheriting an empire or landing a huge sporting contract, there is no such thing as a Secret.

That said, there are things you can do to improve your odds of achieving success. The first step is to define exactly what you mean by success. For some of us it would be a million bucks in the bank, for others it may be good health, or a happy family life. Your definition of success automatically points you in the direction you need to travel.

For financial success, you need to start a business or make some good investments. Saving money, controlling your spending, and managing your time are obvious steps within this area. There is an old story about Conrad Hilton being advised by his mother to leave his small hometown in New Mexico to find and build his dream in the city. He was reisitant to this idea, but eventually realized that he had to change his way of life if he expected to build an empire. It pays to evaluate your habits and beliefs to determine how they may be adversely impacting your road to success.

So, if there is a secret of success, I would say it starts with defining success, then dedicating yourself to accomplishing the steps to realize the level of success you desire. Even if it means changing your lifestayle or questioning your long held beliefs.

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