Friday, December 28, 2007

China Syndrome

There have been great disapprobation recently because People'S Republic Of China have been merchandising its commodity on the human race market at terms below what other countries, especially the U.S., tin produce. It have been called exporting deflation.

The major ground for these extremely low terms have been their labour costs which I am told are about $100 per calendar month for ordinary mill workers. Even mills in United Mexican States are being closed and shipped to People'S Republic Of China because of the labour differential. These extremes in production costs are literally putting many, many companies out of business. When you look at the labels in almost any shop you will observe the merchandise is made in some Asiatic country. As far as you, the consumer, is concerned you are buying a merchandise at a good value. Political considerations aside there is no inquiry this have been good to retail buyers.

Is there any ground People'S Republic Of China should move otherwise? No, they are acting like any businessman. Yes, I recognize it is a country, but states make the same as businesses just on a larger scale.

Suppose you and I each ain a hamburger franchise. I have got got a McDonalds and you have a Berger King across the street. We each sell our hamburgers for 99 cents. The competition is equal. You also ain a huge cattle spread and slaughter house/packing set as well as a large bakeshop and you desire to increase your retail nutrient business so you go through along the nest egg you do from the meat production and bakeshop to the burger stand. You reduce the terms to 75 cents and now do a net income of 20 cents per burger whereas I only do 10 cents and must sell it for 99 cents. When person desires a hamburger where make you believe they will go?

I can shout all Iodine desire about how partial this is, but so what. He is not selling at a loss and even if I lower my terms I can't travel low adequate to do a profit. I eventually will lose all my clients to him and will travel out of business. Are that fair? Sorry, but just doesn't count. That's business.

China is selling hamburgers (whatever) cheap, but they are of equal quality. Consumers desire both quality and terms (value) and don't care where it come ups from. Countries are complaining that they are selling "too cheap". No they are not because they are making a sensible profit. One of their production tools (cheap labor) is so good that businesses from all over the human race are moving there to take advantage of it. If they don't they will be out of business. You can't fault them.

Over the adjacent 10 to 20 old age People'S Republic Of China can go the world's leading country because of their economical development. They don't have got the operating expense (translation - cardinal government, entitlement programs, lawyers, labour unions, etc.) we make so they will be able to maintain costs down. Eventually (many years) their cardinal authorities will slowly germinate toward giving more than to their people, but it is going to be decades. In the meantime, learn to talk Chinese.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Difference Between Wants & Needs

So you desire to go wealthy? While there is no single route to getting there, it's a certain stake that one rule is in topographic point for those who maintain their wealthiness over a lifetime. Live beneath your means. Spend less than you make. Don't pass more than than you can afford. It doesn't come up any simpler than this. If you desire to make wealth, you have got to learn to make this. It doesn't matter if you make $10,000 a twelvemonth or $1 million, if you don't learn how to master the measure of disbursement less than you earn, you'll never make permanent wealth.

While the conception is simple, opportunities are you are not following it. In all likelihood, you are living paycheck to paycheck, treading water. No matter how hard you try, you never look to get ahead. Even when the raises come, the money still vanishes just as fast. If this sounds like your situation, you probably have got not mastered the difference between needs and wants.

First, it's important to recognize that desires and needs are not the same. When you read that sentence, you probably said to yourself, "Of course, everyone cognizes that." Again, while everyone may cognize this intellectually, it is a good stake that you aren't completely honorable with yourself when it come ups to the things you purchase.

How many modern times have got you heard (or for that matter said yourself) "I absolutely need (fill in the blank)" when in world the significance was "I really desire (fill in the blank)?" Iodine can't dwell without those shoes...I will decease if Iodine can't have got got got that ring...I simply have to have that car...the listing can travel on and on. Please don't get me wrong. These are phrases that we all use. That is why it's important to step back and retrieve that desires and needs are not the same.

It's important at this point to do clear that taking the clip to critically look at your current lifestyle and what are the true needs versus those things that are convenient desires will travel a long manner in economy you money and enabling you to pass less than you make. Let's return an illustration of your TV. Are your television a need or a want? Although I can hear the statements already rationalizing why a television is a necessary portion of your life, the truth is that it is more than than likely a want. In most cases, it is probably an low-cost privation (The exclusion may be if you decided you had to have got that 50 inch state of the fine art plasma telecasting with the terms tag of a small car). The inquiry is whether the digital cablegram TV, 6 insurance premium channels, artificial satellite dish, the on demand movies, the DVD participant with film selection, etc are all also low-cost wants?

Here is a list. Take a few minutes to jotting down what is a need and what is a want.


designer suit


large apartment



lottery tickets


entertainment center

club membership


concert tickets

trip to Hawaii




daily espresso

cellular phone

golf clubs


Unfortunately, the replies to these inquiries are not completely achromatic and white. What may be a privation for one individual may be a necessity for another person. For example, let's take a expression at a computer. If you do your support on the computer, then a computing machine is a necessity for you. If you only utilize a computing machine to play the up-to-the-minute online games, then it isn't. Knowing this, we can still do some pretty good conjectures as to what are desires and what are needs from the above listing for most people. Place (and clothes in general), water, bed, car, lunch, medical specialty and furnishings are good stakes to be needs. Now that doesn't intend that the up-to-the-minute model, 4 wheel drive athletics public utility vehicle with all the extras counts as a need for most people, but basic transportation to do a life does.

A large apartment, computing machine and cellular phone may or may not measure up as a need depending on your peculiar fortune while a interior designer suit, ice-cream, lottery tickets, amusement center, baseball club membership, concert tickets, trip to Hawaii, necklace, day-to-day espresso and golf game baseball clubs all probably fall into the privation section.

If you can take the clip to begin being honorable with yourself, you will happen that a batch of the things which you assumed were an absolute necessity until now are in world nil more than wants. Once you separate between the two and expression at these issues objectively, you have got placed yourself in the place to dwell within your agency by simply asking yourself whether or not an point or service you are about to purchase is a need or merely a want.

Copyright (c) 2004, by Jeffrey Strain

This article may be freely distributed so long as the copyright, author's information and an active nexus (where possible) are included.

A complimentary transcript of any newssheet or a nexus to the land site where the article is posted would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Why Technical Indicators

The fighting goes on to rage among bargainers who
utilize technical indexes and those who prefer
cardinal information to set up new
places and to go out current positions.

The fundamentalistic believe in knowing all the
facts about a company such as as terms earnings
ratios, sales growth, merchandise margins,
management capabilities, cost of production,
cash flow, etc., etc. piece the technicians
could care less about the latter and desire to see
sector terms tendencies and rank, the Relative
Strength Index, MACD (moving average convergence
divergence), stochastics, tendency lines, chart
patterns and many more than esoterically evolved

Which method is the best?

There is no Holy Place Grail of trading and what
critics of either method forget that it is the
bargainer who adds the concluding nicety that consequences in
net income or loss. The more than than old age a professional
investor have been working his program the more
successful he usually becomes. The unsuccessful
1s have got got long since gone broke and are no
longer in the game.

It is somewhat hard for me to give great
acceptance to fundamentalists as I am a technician
and have a very long profitable path record to
turn out it; however, I make sometimes look at some
of fundamentals. It looks that the longer term
bargainer can make well with a cardinal approach
because the timing to purchase or sell have a lag
time. He makes not purchase the underside nor sell the
top, but who does?

The technical bargainer will disregard the
informational attack with the usage of charts
and other indicators. Short term bargainers must be
technicians, especially twenty-four hours traders, as there
are no basics upon which they can assess
their bargains and sells.

Technical trading is based on the psychology
of the mass of bargainers that drive upon the hidden
values of the changing fundamentals. Charts and
other indexes state the of the long term
wellness of a company, country or trade goods as it
is shown in the terms action. The fundamentalist
expressions for the ground for a change to purchase or sell
whereas the technician seeks to happen the change
in the terms action to originate bargains and sells.

No matter what a cardinal trader’s position
he must be very patient. He may have got a position
on for years. During that same time period there will
be moving ridges of highs and lows during which he
stays changeless in his position. The technician
may merchandise the same equity respective modern times buying
the low of the moving ridge and merchandising the high
(hopefully). In trade goodss it is astute
trading, but when it is done in pillory and funds
it is called timing.

A combination of technical and fundamental
methods can give the best results. For the
average cat occasional bargainer I can only caution
him to be very careful. Very few intermittent
bargainers ever do money.

A successful trading attack requires
commitment. It is a business the same as owning
a shoe shop or hauling company. You must give
it your all.

Like any business you have got to work at it.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why Investors Use Financial Planners

Do you have a financial planner? Does one of
your friends have a financial planner? Maybe you
take your advice from your broker. As I have
said countless times before a broker will make
you broker. And a financial planner won’t do any
better. I know. You thought they would.

Let’s look at the real reason investors choose
to take advice from these so called “experts”.
Once they get you into their office or sitting
with you at the dining room table or kitchen
table you are doomed. Mr. F.P. has come prepared
with beautiful slick color brochures and will
have a presentation that will utterly confuse,
bedazzle and befuddle. You will sit there and be
afraid to ask a question because you know it is
so dumb. You can’t say ‘no’ or you will be
admitting how dumb you are. And he knows that.

It is not that he is a liar. (I hope.) It is
that all financial planners and brokers are
taught the Wall Street method of “making money”.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work.

The basic things that have been pounded into
their heads are false. Let’s look at the big
three: Do Research, Dollar Cost Average and Buy
and Hold. There are others, but these you will
hear from every broker and financial planner
because that is what the big brokerage companies
and mutual fund families want. They want your
money and they want to keep it even when the
stocks or funds you own go down. In fact, buy
some more.

Research is like blowing in the wind. You will
be inundated with green sheets, blue sheets, red
sheets, slick full color glossies, videos, etc.,
etc. Think about this. If you can obtain this
information then so can everyone else.
Everything that is known about a particular
stock is reflected in the last price.
Morningstar will sell you a beautiful package
about a company, but it is worthless. What you
really want to know is will it go up after I buy

Of course, if it goes down you will be
encouraged to buy more to average out your price
so that when it heads up again you will make a
fortune. Yes, and pigs can fly.

If it does go down your advisor may say to hold
on as the market always comes back. He doesn’t
tell you it may take 20 years or that the
company might go out of business. Buy and Hold
is the greatest myth of Wall Street. No one ever
tells you to sell. Have you been told you don’t
have a loss until you take it? Please!

You got that advisor because you have not
admitted to your self that you cannot pull the
trigger. When you have a stock or fund that is
falling you don’t want to sell. You have to take
charge of your money. Just you.

When you look back at the performance of most
financial planners from 2000 to 2003 you know
you can do a better job. Always ask to see what
they did then. If they lost money you don’t want
them. Don’t let them compare their performance
to the S&P500. That’s smoke and mirrors.

You can do better. Just do it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Alfred E. Newman

What! Me worry?

Many of you retrieve the screen of MAD magazine. It was one of my favorites. Alfred's lone concern was about his presence tooth. You and I have got got other problems.

The 1 large problem we all have is enough income to back up our life style. Those who are approaching retirement or are retired will have got got to have adequate cash or income from investings or pension programs to do it. We all cognize you can't dwell on Sociable Security alone.

Your broker, financial planner, banker, whoever you trust upon for financial advice will counsel you to begin economy and to do some sound and safe investments. Most of them will urge stocks, common finances and chemical bonds as well as having your home free and clear by the clip you are ready to quit. All of that do good sense. The lone thing is what stocks, which chemical bonds and whose common finances should you buy? That reply is very simple. Ones that spell up, wage good dividends and don't travel down. The latter is not so easy so you might have got something to worry about.

Unlike Alfred, you can't sit down back and not worry. So which ones? This is one you won't hear on Wall Street: It doesn't do any difference what you buy. Buying makes not take too much encephalon power. The hard portion is selling. The financial aces don't state you that the cardinal to success in the stock market is selling. If you have a stock or monetary fund that is not going up or is trending down it MUST be sold or you will lose your cash.

Recently dear old Mother Hubbard AT&T, the widow women and orphans choice, have been set on the sell listing by some of the large Wall Street brokerage companies. Mama Tel was trading at $100 and now is about $20, an 80% loss. Investors say, "I can't sell Telephone because my Mother, Thousand Dad, person left it to them they said it was a 'good' stock and they should maintain it forever". Care to look at some of the "good" pillory you have got got in your portfolio that have lost a huge percentage of their value? People go emotionally attached to pillory that are failing miserably. The lone thing worse that than a bad stock investing is a bad marriage. With a poor stock you can sell it and be quit of that ill feeling and all those worries.

Having been an exchange member and flooring bargainer for 17 old age I cognize that every professional bargainer will state you that you must cut your losings short and allow your net income run. Very few brokers will ever state you to sell because they have got got not been taught how to protect investing money.

You don't have to be smarter than Aelfred E. to get out of a loser. The simplest protection for your finances is a stop-loss order of about 10%. When your stock Oregon common monetary fund driblets 10% or more than than from its highest terms you should sell it and happen a better more profitable topographic point for your money.

What! Me worry? Yes, I believe now is a good clip to start.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

KISS Formula

There are formulas for just about everything,
but it has been shown that the simpler the
formula or method of doing a particular task
the better it works. It has evolved down to
KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid.

This also applies to trading in the stock
market. There are literally hundreds of
formulas, both technical and fundamental that
are easily available to investors. Each trader
has his own method he uses. Every professional
trader on the floor of the stock exchange has
his own variation on some major proven
formula. The more skilled he becomes with it
the more he feels it is the best one.

Sometimes it takes years for a trader to
settle on one method or group of methods that
he uses to signal buys and sells. It took me
many years to find that technical group that
worked for me when I was an exchange member.

For some it evolves into long term trading
and for others it can be buying and selling in
a matter of minutes. The time period is not
important. The method is. Even as a floor
trader on the commodity exchange I had only
two criteria I watched before entering into
any position.

All professional traders and investors are
aware of the single most important fact and
that is how much I am willing to lose before I
exit this new position. Every KISS formula has
an exit strategy. Every professional knows in
advance how much he will allow himself to lose
if he is wrong. The professional does not set
a limit on the winning side of a trade only on
the losing side.

Ask any full time professional and he will
tell you if he is right 50% of the time he
considers that to be phenomenal. When I was on
the floor I was only right about 40% of the
time, even about 20% and wrong about 40%. BUT
I made $3.00 for every dollar I lost. Small
losses and big winners are the key to success.
This is the key to any profitable formula –
keeping the losses small.

When I see advertisements in the financial
papers for methods claiming to be right 80%,
90% of the time I cringe. It just can’t be.
There is no trader I ever met who was that
good and I have known some exceptional

The major text on technical analysis is
“Technical Analysis of Stock Trends” by
Edwards and Magee now in the 17th printing of
the Fifth Edition that lists multitudes of
methods. They all work, but many are
complicated. A magazine called Futures Truth
analyses 200 commodity trading systems in each
issue. Fundamental Theory is equally complex.

There are software programs that allow the
investors to enter as many as 30 parameters.
The more complex it is the less chance it has
to work. And the biggest obstacle to any
program is the trader himself. He cannot
hesitate when a buy or sell signal is given.

Keep your formula simple and execute the
signals. You can be a winner.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Parachute Investing

Ever jumped out of an airplane? It’s OK if
you have on a parachute. Pretty dumb if you don’t.

Every buy any stocks, mutual funds or Exchange
Traded Funds? It’s OK if you know how much you
are willing to risk. Pretty dumb if you don’t.

Parachute investing is buying an equity
with a parachute so you won’t risk all your money
or, better yet, give back the profit you have made
as the stock or fund went up and then goes down.
If you bought that hummer at $12 per share and
during the past couple of years seen it go up to
$52 you don’t want to give back that nice
profit, do you? With a parachute you can save
most of it. How?

When you invest in any stock of fund you
must know how much you will risk before you buy it
and how much of the profit you are willing to
give back when it turns down. Take that beauty
at $12. Instead of going up it went down. Are
you willing to agonize as it drops to $5? If you
had a parachute you would have jumped out of the
plane before it crashed. If you had an exit
strategy for your stock you would have sold it
before you lost a big chunk of your cash.

The secret of a safe investment is an exit
strategy. When you bought Mr. Twelve Dollars you
shook hands and told him I’d like to be your
friend, but if you change your name to Ten
Dollars I am leaving. Maybe that that is not
very nice, but nice doesn’t cut it in the
investment world.

Mr. Twelve Dollars said I am going up and
I want you for my friend. Please follow me and if
I falter you can leave and we will part friends.
Now that makes sense. You trail along and after
it goes to $52 it does falter. Do you know where
you are going to leave or are you going to ride
it go back down to $12? In other words do you
have your parachute on?

That parachute is your continuing exit strategy
that is in place every day. In the investment
community it is called an open trailing stop
loss order. Any broker can put this in place for
you. You might be lucky enough to have a broker
who knows where to place stops, but
unfortunately there are not many of them.

The brokerage industry does not teach its
employees (brokers) how to protect customers’
money. If that is the case you might want to use
the old standard 10% rule. Have the broker place
an open stop every Friday at 10% of the closing
price of that day as it closes higher. Never
lower the stop loss. Brokers hate this as it
makes them work, but that is what they are there
for and that is how they earn their commissions.

With your parachute you can always protect
your original cash purchase from a big loss and as
your stock advances you can lock in profit as
the stock advances.

Every investment should have a parachute.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Reverse Profit

How can anything “reverse” be a profit? I travel to the Money Show every twelvemonth to see with friends who have got booths and are speakers. Then when folks are filing out of talks I listen to their remarks about what I cognize the talker have been saying.

The Money Show is for investors from all
walkings of life; however, my conjecture is the median value age
is close to 60. Those who travel have got accumulated a
nest egg and now are retired or very fold to
retirement. They came to learn more than about how
to do their money grow.

Last twelvemonth there were 256 separate events not
counting what was given in the Exhibition Hall. Almost without exclusion talkers were showing
how cash can collect faster if the listener
bought his merchandise whether it was a mutual
fund, stock, bond, partnership, software or who
cognizes what. Are there that many money makers
out there?

One talker had an hr telling the market
was owed to clang and the thing to make was purchase long
term set option. He also said if you would not
make that to purchase some authorities chemical bonds which were
paying about 2 to 3%. The issue remarks I heard
were pretty well summed up by one lady who
said, “Is helium nuts. How can we dwell off 2%?”
When in a bear market the old expression is,
“He World Health Organization loses the least is a winner”. No, it’s
hard to dwell on that small a return, but
don’t lose large sums of money by trying to be invested
at all times. There have got been many old age in the
past where cash with no percent tax return beat out the
heck out of the stock market.

Go back to 2000 and retrieve that the
NASDAQ lost 78% of it value in 3 years. If you had
been in cash from 2000 to 2003 you would have
saved about 40% to 60% of your retirement
account. The Buy Normality Holders have got got still not
recovered their investments.

Selling out close (I did not state at) the
top, state within about 10 or 15%, the account would
have remained pretty darn healthy. Many investors
lost 30 to 40% Oregon more than than of their hard-earned money
and they would have got been able to purchase back many more
shares when the market resumed its upward journey. That is what I mention to as a “reverse profit”. The
net income is what was not lost by hearing to the
Buy Normality Hold brokers and financial planners.

There are 100s of thousands of investors
who have got got learned not to allow their portfolios
to depreciate more than 10 to 15% because they
have learned to sell when their equities start
to travel down. They sell and reinvest in a better
stock or monetary fund or sometimes just go forth it in
cash if there is not a good equity to buy. The winning rule of the stock market is
having an issue strategy that volition prevent
losing money.

There are modern times when having cash at zero
percent tax return will beat out a negative 45% inch the
overall market. What you don’t lose is called a
“reverse profit”.

Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a
bucket of …money. Money? They are continuing
to fill their bucket with stocks without any
consideration to the value of these equities.
They are not worried at all as they are buying
“safe” mutual funds.

Everyone knows mutual funds are safe. Jack
and Jill know they don’t know how to pick good
stocks so they leave that to the fund manager.
He is an expert.

When you look at the long term record of 99%
of the mutual funds you will see that expertise has
been sadly lacking. I hate to remind you of the
2000 to 2003 period, but I must. In fact I must
tell you it is going to happen again. Now you
want to know when….and so do I.

And that is the problem with almost every
fund manager. As long as the market is going up they
can’t do much damage to your account, but when
it rolls over and heads down they have no idea
how to invest when a bear market is in progress.
Not a single one of them will acknowledge that
cash is a position.

Cash is a position? They are in shock. Of
course they are. If brokerage customers put
their money in a money market account while the
market is falling it means they do not make any
commission at all and if they recommend this to
their customers the brokerage manager will fire
them because he won’t make any money either.
“Keep your customers fully invested or I’ll show
you the door” is the manager’s comment.

You must learn when to sell. Any fool can
buy, but it is the wise man who knows when to sell.
To see the condition of the overall market one
of the best indicators is the SP500 Index. Your
broker compares everything he does with the
SP500 because it is a broad base of 500 stocks
that are widely traded.

The finest indicator is the SP500 Index.
Draw a 40-week chart of the closing prices. If you
don’t know how ask your broker. He will tell
you. Write it down and save it. It is very
simple. Have him set up a 40-week Simple Moving
Average to appear on that chart. Look at 5 years
worth of prices. Immediately you will see that
if you are in the market while the 40-week MA is
going up you are making money and if you are out
of all your positions while the index average is
going down you will not lose money. It doesn’t
get any easier that that.

Jack and Jill can fill their pail as the
market is going up and need not spill their
accumulation while they walk confidently down
the hill holding their bucket full of cash not

Monday, December 10, 2007

Are You Tired of Money Simply Flirting With You?

If you are like most then you are fed up with the money tease. The money teaser is where you topographic point an chance that could potentially be moneymaking for you. You hear how the chance is working for everyone else. They are making money manus over fist.

Picture this tease. Person told you about an astonishing chance to construct wealth. The money looks so attractive to you. Look, the money is even winking at you. The blink of an eye stands for the claims of making $100,000 or more. You seek to play it chill and inquire for more than information. The money nods and signalings for you to come up and fall in it for a movie. The film is the sales pitch of a greater income.

During the film the money moves a small closer to you. That’s when the salesperson promises to handle you right and do all your dreamings come up true. You smile and conceive of how you will experience when you stop all your financial worries.

The money moves in even closer and whisperings in your ear, “I’m everything you’ll ever need”. You smile and nod your caput and smiling through your ideas state to yourself, “this is what I’ve been waiting for”. The salesperson cognizes its clip to travel to the committedness stage.

The committedness stage is where you make up one's mind to “go steady” with the merchandise or service. You have got to give your clip and attempt to the merchandise or service. Then world takes over. You get to detect that this “going steady” is taking valuable clip away from your family, merriment and other activities, so you halt devoting clip to the merchandise or service.

You later happen out that you drop for the money tease. The salesperson knew that you would not follow through anyway, because most people don’t. To exceed it off, the salesperson most likely have got not done what they have claimed (which is making $100,000).

Well allow me state you how to halt the tease. First, believe carefully about the opportunity. Bashes it look possible? I demo clients how to easily descry financial chances in less than 5 proceedings flat! Your clip is too cherished to be wasted conducting deadening research.

Second, will the chance maintain your interest long-term? I demo clients how to do money from high gas prices, which in bend will do gold terms rise. Can you see two net income chances here? I also work to get them their first check as quickly as possible. When you do money you will be so excited that I won’t be able to throw you back from telling everyone about the Money Tracks System.

Third, is the organisation accessible should you need them? It makes not matter what the company promises if they are not available when you need them. No mocking here – I’m known for giving my direct PERSONAL phone number. If a client is valuable then there’s no better manner to allow them cognize this than to give them a personal phone number.

Finally, I go forth you with luck edifice advice I name Dave’s Diamond™. They sum up the chief points of the message.

Dave’s Diamond™ #1: Think carefully about the opportunity

Dave’s Diamond™ #2: Be certain the chance will throw your interest long-term

Dave’s Diamond™ #3: Be certain you can attain the organization

To Your Continued Wealth-building,


P.S. Visit and order Affluent Investing Secrets and learn how to Crack the Wealth Code.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

21 Secrets of Self Made Millionaires

Self-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have got just discovered these secrets and used them to go wealthy. You can make it too.

(1) dream BIG DREAMS. Thinking Big will change your life. For a clang course of study on this read "The Magic of Thinking Big."

(2) CREATE Type A particular picture OF WHERE YOU'RE GOING. The more than than specific you are the more likely you are to get there.

(3) think AND act LIKE YOU'RE THE owner OF A BUSINESS, THE BUSINESS OF EVERYTHING YOU DO. Even if you work for person else, you're attitude will set seeds for your independent greatness to grow.

(4) love WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING NOW. If you don't love it, leave of absence it. By saying no to doing work just for money you are magnetizing work to you that you can love.

(5) CREATE Type A MASTERMIND GROUP. Rich Person a regular meeting with others who are committed to edifice great lives. Share what you're up to and support each other.

(6) ESTABLISH Type A HEALTHY work ETHIC. Brand pickings action your best friend.

(7) COMMIT TO constant NEVER-ENDING IMPROVEMENT. Every twenty-four hours be searching for how you can learn more.

(8) see YOUR work AS SERVICE. Helping others will turn your business.

(9) KNOW YOUR BUSINESS FROM top TO BOTTOM. That's your job.

(10) PREPARE FOR OPPORTUNITY. It will knock. Volition you be ready?

(11) stay PHYSICALLY FIT. Strong heads make strong bodies. Weak organic structures are the consequence of weak minds. Your physical and mental wellness are the core of your success in life.

(12) PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE. Bash what's most of import first.

(13) DELIVER MORE THAN YOUR customer EXPECTS. This constructs loyalty and repetition business. It experiences good too.

(14) discipline YOURSELF. Fill your life with activities and people that do you grow. Discard activities that have got negative consequences in your life.

(15) wage YOURSELF FIRST. This is the first regulation of the wealthy. Put money into nest egg before you pay bills. And DON'T touch it.

(16) make time TO be ALONE. This clip is for planning and hearing to what's inside you. Give your creativeness clip and silence to talk to you.

(17) go FOR GREATNESS. Value the best and don't settle down for less.

(18) honesty IS THE BEST POLICY. Know who you are and what you want. Express this with unity at all times.

(19) make decisions QUICKLY AND be SLOW TO CHANGE THEM.

(20) failure IS NOT AN OPTION. Your mentality is focused on success. You will have got success.

(21) be DETERMINED TO ATTAIN YOUR GOALS. Bulldog continuity constructs assurance which leads to victory.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Start Small and Your Wealth Will Get Bigger

We’ve all heard the phrase, “You have got to begin somewhere.” Nothing could be truer of creating wealthiness and prosperity in your life. Sometimes the thought of becoming affluent tin look so overpowering that we don’t cognize where to begin. After all, if we’re up to our orbs in debt or barely making it, how can we possibly believe about getting wealthy?

Start small. This is one of the top wealthiness creating habits. If an oak tree can jump forth from a miniscule acorn, a money tree can certainly turn from a bantam spot of seed capital. Starting small tin work in two ways to generate wealth: saving small amounts and investment small amounts.

Let’s start with the nest egg end of the equation. If you’re disbursement equal or more than than your income each calendar month (and most people are), then you need to slowly diminish your spending. It’s easier than it seems—just start small. Each month, take one manner in which you will diminish your spending. For instance, if you travel out to eat once a week, see if you can cut that down to just once or twice a month. Are you saving a whole lot? No. But you ARE saving, and that’s what’s important. It’s also of import that you don’t pass more than in another country of your life to “make up” Oregon reward yourself for disbursement less in your chosen area. If you consistently pass less each month, you will eventually get to do headway. This wealthiness creating wont will assist you develop your wealthiness slowly but constantly.

The great thing about disbursement less each calendar month is that the consequences are cumulative. Let’s state the first calendar calendar month you make up one's mind to eat out one-half as much as you usually do, saving you $20 a month. The second month, you make up one's mind to pass less on amusement by switching from your insurance premium cablegram service to the less expensive service. This electric switch salvages you $10 a month, plus you salvage the $20 from going out to eat less. You saved a sum of $30 the second month, and $20 the first calendar calendar month – that’s $50 in just 2 months. Now, let’s carry that further. If you were to reduce your disbursals by $15 each calendar calendar month (cutting an further $15 of disbursals each month), by the end of the twelvemonth you would have got got saved $1,170!

If you’ve got thousands in debt looming over your head, $1,170 may not look like much, but you have to begin somewhere. Starting small and being patiently methodical is better than never starting at all! Plus, every calendar month your degree of nest egg additions until your small start goes a giant tidal moving ridge of savings. This volition aid you get out of debt faster and get edifice your wealth. When you begin saving, even in small amounts, you will have got implemented another great wealthiness creating habit!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Predicament of the Newly Rich

They are the physical object of thinly disguised envy. They are the natural stuffs of vulgar gags and the targets of popular aggression. They are the Newly Rich. Perhaps they should be dealt with more than appropriately within the academic subject of psychology, but then economic science in a subdivision of psychology. To many, they stand for a psychiatry or a sociopathology.

The Newly Rich are not a new phenomenon. Every generation have them. They are the upstarts, those who seek to sabotage the existent elite, to replace it and, ultimately to fall in it. Indeed, the Newly Rich can be classified in conformity with their dealings with the well-entrenched Old Rich. Every society have its veteran, venerable and aristocratical societal classes. In most cases, there was a strong correlativity between wealthiness and societal standing. Until the beginning of this century, only property proprietors could vote and thus take part in the political process. The land gentry secured military and political places for its off spring, no matter how sick equipt they were to deal with the duties push upon them. The privileged access and the insiders outlook ("old male children network" to utilize a celebrated British expression) made certain that economical benefits were not distribute evenly. This skewed distribution, in turn, served to perpetuate the advantages of the opinion classes.

Only when wealthiness was detached from the land, was this solidarity broken. Land – beingness a scarce, non-reproducible resource – fostered a scarce, non-reproducible societal elite. Money, on the other hand, could be multiplied, replicated, redistributed, reshuffled, made and lost. It was democratic in the truest sense of a word, otherwise worn thin. With meritocracy in the ascendance, nobility was in descent. People made money because they were clever, daring, fortunate, illusionist – but not because they were born to the right household or married into one. Money, the top of societal equalizers, wedded the old elite. Blood amalgamated and societal social classes were thus blurred. The nobility of capital (and, later, of entrepreneurship) – to which anyone with the right makings could belong – trounced the nobility of blood and heritage. For some, this was a sad moment. For others, a triumphant one.

The New Rich chose 1 of three paths: subversion, revolution and emulation. All three manners of reaction were the consequences of envy, a sense of lower status and rage at being discriminated against and humiliated.

Some New Rich chose to sabotage the existent order. This was perceived by them to be an inevitable, gradual, slow and "historically sanctioned" process. The transfer of wealthiness (and the powerfulness associated with it) from one elite to another constituted the revolutionist element. The ideological displacement (to meritocracy and democracy or to mass- democracy as yttrium Gasset would have got set it) served to warrant the historical procedure and set it in context. The successes of the new elite, as a class, and of its members, individually, served to turn out the "justice" behind the tectonic shift. Sociable establishments and mores were adapted to reflect the preferences, inclinations, values, ends and worldview of the new elite. This attack – infinitesimal, graduated, cautious, all accommodating but also grim and all pervading – qualifies Capitalism. The Capitalist Religion, with its temples (shopping promenades and banks), clergy (bankers, financiers, bureaucrats) and rites – was created by the New Rich. It had multiple aims: to bestow some Godhead or historical importance and significance upon procedures which might have got otherwise been perceived as helter-skelter or threatening. To function as an political orientation in the Althusserian sense (hiding the discordant, the disagreeable and the ugly while accentuating the concordant, conformist and appealing). To supply a historical procedure framework, to forestall feelings of purposelessness and vacuity, to actuate its disciples and to perpetuate itself and so on.

The second type of New Rich (also known as "Nomenclature" in certain parts of the world) chose to violently and irreversibly uproot and then eliminate the old elite. This was usually done by usage of beastly military unit coated with a thin layer of incongruent ideology. The purpose was to immediately come into the wealthiness and powerfulness accumulated by generations of elitist rule. There was a declared purpose of an equalitarian redistribution of wealthiness and assets. But world was different: a small grouping – the new elite – scooped up most of the spoils. It amounted to a surgical substitution of one hermetic elite by another. Nothing changed, just the personal identities. A funny duality have formed between the portion of the ideology, which dealt with the historical procedure – and the other part, which elucidated the methods to be employed to ease the transfer of wealthiness and its redistribution. While the first was deterministic, long-term and irreversible (and, therefore, not very pragmatic) – the second was an almost undisguised formula for pillage and robbery of other people' property. Communism and the Eastern European (and, to a lesser extent, the Central European) versions of Socialism suffered from this built-in toxicant seed of deceit. So did Fascism. It is no wonderment that these two sister political orientations fought it out in the first one-half of the twentieth century. Both prescribed the unabashed, unmitigated, unrestrained, forced transfer of wealthiness from one elite to another. The labor enjoyed almost none of the loot.

The 3rd manner was that of emulation. The Newly Rich, who chose to follow it, tried to absorb the worldview, the values and the behavior patterns of their predecessors. They walked the same, talked the same, clothed themselves in the same fashion, bought the same status symbols, ate the same food. In general, they looked as pale imitations of the existent thing. In the process, they became more than than Catholic than the Pope, more Old Rich than the Old Rich. They exaggerated gestures and mannerisms, they transformed refined and delicate fine art to kitsch, their address became hyperbole, their societal associations dictated by ridiculously stiff codifications of properness and conduct. As in similar psychological situations, patricide and matricide followed. The Newly Rich rebelled against what they perceived to be the dictatorship of a dying class. They butchered their physical objects of emulation – sometimes, physically. Realizing their inability to be what they always aspired to be, the Newly Rich switched from defeat and lasting humiliation to aggression, force and abuse. These new converts turned against the laminitises of their newly establish faith with the rage and strong belief reserved to true but disappointed believers.

Regardless of the method of heritage adopted by the New Rich, all of them share some common characteristics. Psychologists cognize that money is a love substitute. People collect it as a manner to counterbalance themselves for past aches and deficiencies. They attach great emotional significance to the amount and handiness of their money. They regress: they play with playthings (fancy cars, watches, laptops). They struggle over property, district and privileges in a Jungian archetypal manner. Perhaps this is the most of import lesson of all: the New Rich are children, aspiring to go adults. Having been deprived of love and ownerships in their childhood – they bend to money and to what it can purchase as a (albeit poor because never fulfilling) substitute. And as children are – they can be cruel, insensitive, not able to detain the satisfaction of their urges and desires. In many states (the emerging markets) they are the lone capitalists to be found. There, they spun off a malignant, pathological, word form of buddy capitalism. As clip passes, these immature New Rich will go tomorrow's Old Rich and a new social class will emerge, the New Rich of the future. This is the lone hope – however inadequate and meagre – that developing states have.

Monday, December 03, 2007


In November of 2000 when the NASDAQ was trading at 3000 Iodine wrote in this column that the NASDAQ Index would fall to 1500 and I got tons of heat energy for saying it. Microsoft had fallen from $129 to $60 per share. You cognize where they are today.

The talking caputs on CNBC-TV and many of the radiocommunication stock experts are convinced we are headed back up as soon as this small “correction” is over – and they could be right, but I look to retrieve their former anticipations just before the major stock indexes went over the edge of Financial Niagara Waterfall Falls. Can it go on again since the market have fallen so far?

For a twelvemonth the DOW have been creeping higher. The NASDAQ have gained back about 40%, but delight retrieve the NASDAQ Index is not composed of the same pillory as it was 3 old age ago and neither is the DOW. Many companies went bankrupt and others have got got been delisted because they make not ran into the criteria to stay on the board.

Too many investors have not done their homework. Most of them only cognize the great bull market of 1982 to 2000. The same travels for brokers. Almost none have got ever seen a bear market. I name the common monetary fund managers ‘children’ because most of them were in nappies during the last bear of l972-74 and they price reduction the sudden interruption of 1987 as an aberration. What it amounts to is they have got no thought of what to make when the brownish material hits the fan.

It is a shame that brokers are not taught the rudiments of how to protect customers’ money and same travels for common monetary fund managers. Scores of common finances went out of business during the last interruption and others were absorbed by their large blood brothers in large monetary fund families.

The market rarely crashes as it did in 1987 and usually gnaws away as it did in 1972-74. Current investors have got never been told about secular bull and secular bear markets that last about 16 to 18 old age in each direction. During those down or at best crabwise time periods investors are happy to interrupt even. This is a historical fact that you can check back for a hundred years.

If we are in this 16 old age down that started in 2000 make you have got a program as to what to make to protect your financial well being? Most people don’t and they decline to accept the thought that anything like another loss of 80% tin occur. Brokers don’t have got a plan. Fund managers don’t have got a plan. Bash you have got a plan? If you don’t it is clip to begin thought how you can protect what you have got now. The most of import thing about any investing is not to lose money.

The market today have the possible for another 2000 break. Now is the clip to protect your investments. Get your pillory and common finances out and if you have got got any that have lost more than than 10 or even 20% from their highest terms it would be wise to sell them and stay in cash. NASDAQ 800 may not be far away.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Stock Analysis

I have electronic mails from Morningstar. This company supplies statistics and analysis of just about every publicly traded stock company you can believe of as well as voluminous information on common finances around the world.

You can inquire them about a company's sales, management, marketing plan, their public presentation within a corporate sector, ratios of all kinds, etc, etc. The have got it. After you have got gleaned all these facts and analyzed them there is still one unreciprocated question. If I purchase this equity will it travel up? You definitely will not get that reply and that is the lone reply that agency anything. It is the underside line for all research.

Brokers and financial contrivers utilize this type of service to determine if a stock or monetary fund is a "good" buy. When it come ups right down to it you must ask, "If I can get this information then so can everyone else so why is it any good?" It isn't. After you have got been doing this a few old age you will happen that it is a useless exercise. Brokerage firms desire you to make it so that if the stock travels down they can state to you that it was your determination to purchase it based on all those "facts". Yes, you had all that information, but it is nil more than disinformation.

They state you that every conservative investor makes his homework, his research. The term conservative investor is an oxymoron, like military intelligence or honorable politician. There is no such as thing as a conservative investing if there is the slightest possibility that you could lose all or portion of your money. And that is true in just about everything whether it is stocks, bonds, existent estate, collectibles, you name it.

Their advertisement stated that every calendar month they would have got information on the best and most popular common funds. Since when have popularity got anything to make with a stock or a monetary fund going up? Fidelity Magellan is one of the most popular common finances in the human race yet it dropped from $145 to $73 (a 50% loss) and is now trading at $100 still down 31%. Janus Balanced Fund dropped from $25 to $17.50 and have since rallied to $20. TR Price Japanese Islands Fund hit a high of $16, drop to $5 and is now $8 still a 50% loss. Did any of their “information” ever state you to sell? Popularity is not a yardstick for profits.

And they also will give you the hot choices of 150 analysts. You might as well utilize a dart board as listen to those guys. They are high priced guessers who set you in and never get you out when something starts down. Morningstar is providing you with information. The information is not deserving the paper it is written on.

Their facts are useless even though they are facts. Bottom line: research is worthless.