Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Parthenon Principle

Have you seen a image of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece? I will never forget walking up to the monolithic granite ruins. The size and powerfulness still remaining in a edifice constructed 2500 old age ago is overwhelming!

Although the roof lies on the ground, in pieces, most of the columns that supported it are in place. There are a batch of columns!

I believe of the ParthenonÂ’s roof often. If itsÂ’ roof had not been supported by all those columns it never would have got lasted as long as it did. By any standards, it lasted a long time.

I have got a roof, which shelters my household and I name it a financial or gross roof. It supplies for all our basic needs. Gross or income also emotionally back ups us, and supplies the extras we enjoy in our lives.

I make not desire my roof to fall in. My Parthenon Principle is to back up this financial roof with as many columns as possible. If one column of income collapses (and they always do) there are others to take the weight so that the complete gross construction will not clang on our heads.

Another manner to look at this is - make you have got all your eggs in one basket? Are your full income dependent on one source? What would go on to you if that beginning disappeared?

Last month, I lost my largest corporate client. It happens. This client had grown over the last five years, slowly utilizing more than of my services and representing over 80 percent of our revenue.

I had allow it get disproportional large. Fortunately, we were prepared with backups, and other 'standby' pillars of revenue, ready to be rushed in, to back up the gross roof.

Think about your income and revenue, and set up for worst lawsuit scenarios. Brand the pick today to back up your gross roof, and your income watercourses by using the Parthenon Principle.

1. Construct an emergency monetary fund of at least three calendar months of expenses. Not only will this monetary fund supply emergency support if needed, you will have got a sense of financial freedom just knowing it is there. Think of it as a trim column for your roof. You might not need it, but it experiences good having it!

2. See further beginnings of income. Can you make something to sell? Are there somewhere you can add on portion clip work, doing something you enjoy, which would supply you with added income? Even a small amount of money will construct a financial reserve, and give you an income if your primary beginning fails.

3. Eliminate your debt as much as possible. You can manage without income far longer if there are no monthly payments to be mailed.

Think Parthenon Principle!

Your online friend and Coach,

Miami Phillips
Helping others happen their way - and remain on it.

Quotation of the Week

"Failure to set up is preparing to fail." Microphone Murdock


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